Haxe Roundup № 337

by Skial Bainn published on

Franco Ponticelli has posted that Pellucid Analytics, located in Boulder, Colorado, USA, are looking for a Senior Software Engineer to join the team. Knowing Haxe will be a big plus.

The Raxe project, a Ruby inspired syntax that transpiles too Haxe, has been recieving alot of attention and development this last week. Tomas Slusny has open sourced Raxe, added a cli tool, gained its own Atom.io syntax, both created by Axel Anceau, has some examples and got its own article, The perfect syntax, (almost).

Oh, it also got an update website, and new logo.

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The RaxeLang logo!

If a Ruby inspired Haxe transpiler wasn’t good enough news, then how about Oleg’s ongoing goal to make the Haxe compiler source be written in Haxe instead of OCaml? Yeah, sounds interesting right! Oleg has the current, automatically converted, non-compiling source code available on GitHub.

For the last week, the OpenFL team have been closing issues on Lime and OpenFL left, right and center, which has led to the release of Lime 2.6.6 and OpenFL 3.3.6, both available now from HaxeLib.

For Lime, which affects OpenFL as well, here’s a taster of what’s new:

  • Added initial accelerometer support
  • Improved dirty logic with Image pixel operations
  • Changed cURL bindings to use Bytes instead of String for callbacks
  • Updated System.exit to go to background on Android if not an error
  • Improved automatic garbage collection for native references

And some OpenFL changes:

  • Fixed alpha blending on iOS
  • Improved support for native URLLoader GET/POST
  • Improved support for native URLLoader binary data
  • Integrated new improvements to the Stage3D context
  • Fixed sound transform balance on HTML5 (some browsers)
  • Reduced allocations made in the Graphics and TextField classes

Last week, Patrick Gutlich posted a video of OpenFL running with hardware acceleration on a Raspberry Pi 2, this week, he has written how to do it yourself.

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Thomas Uster (@thomasuster) painting walkable areas in @PakkaPets.

Derico has created an OpenFL Android extension, available on GitHub, which integrates Google Analytics into your app. If you’ve used Haxe GA and wondering what’s the difference in functionality, Derico’s GA extension stores data while the device is offline, while Haxe GA does not.

Derico also this week published Diskoteka onto the Google Play Store, built with HaxeFlixel. In Diskoteka you “jump on the blocks, collect stars, and try to go as far as possible in this simple colorful game”. Derico has also written a brief development article, Diskoteka - the game.

Haza from SpringRoll Interactive has published bioDigit to the Google Play Store, which was created with HaxeFlixel. BioDigit is “a fast paced arcade shooter game in which you control a group of one-eyed spiders to shoot down flying creatures of darkness with your lightning strikes!” You can also play it on Newgrounds if you don’t have an Android device.

Sira Tama has written an article[Jp] that shows off two tools built with Haxe, a frame animation exporter and importer. In the included demo video, you can see Photoshop export position and opacity information which is then imported into Flash Pro.

Mixer has been incredibly busy this last week by releasing four HaxeFlixel Planet Defence YouTube tutorial videos!

The FGL staff had a QA twitch steam, in which they talk about making money and they mention Haxe and OpenFL as a great solution for traditional Flash developers to look into due to the benefits it offers to publish to many platforms.

Tiago has updated dconsole, a “game-like console that provides runtime access to methods, variables and more”, by adding luxe engine support.

foo3d mint michael bickel social
Michael Bickel (@dazKind) has integrated a mínt backend into Foo3D.

Two modular solutions for Haxe JavaScript popped up this last week.

  • The first from Timothy Farrel who has created the library modular-js available from HaxeLib, which is “a toolkit to export Javascript-target Haxe to Javascript (AMD) modules”.
  • The second is from Philippe Elsass, who makes FlashDevelop, has created the Modular Haxe JS repository over on GitHub, which demonstrates the “creation of a Haxe-JavaScript modular project with on-demand loading of modules (JS + CSS)”.

Philippe and the Massive Interactive team have updated munit, releasing version 2.1.2. If you don’t know what munit is, or guess by its name, munit is “a cross platform unit testing framework for Haxe with metadata test markup and tools for generating, compiling and running tests from the command line”. For all the details on what’s new and fixed, checkout the changelog.

Also recently, Adi Reddy Mora released version 3.0.21 of PixiJS externs, available now from HaxeLib.

Midori Kocak has released another Haxe repository, which this time demonstrates different design patterns implemented in Haxe, of course, based on the examples found at Tutorials Points Design Patterns.

Matthijs Kamstra is at it again this last week, updating the HaxeNode tutorial site with two new examples on using Express and NeDB. It’s packed full of great examples!

Haxor Engine a while ago published their version of the Bunny Mark benchmark, and its pretty damn fast. They recently got their benchmark onto Chrome Experiments!

And we will finish this week’s roundup off with two libraries from Franco, thx.csv and thx.format, updated to version 0.1.1 and 0.5.1 respectively. Checkout the other thx.* libraries on thx-lib.org for more information, because they are amazing!