Haxe Roundup № 336

by Skial Bainn published on
hxscout 0.4.0 jeff ward social
HxScout version 0.4.0 is live!

Jeff Ward has released version 0.4.0 of HxScout, which is built with the latest and greatest HXCPP to provide a faster app, new and improved File dialogs, thanks to the recent release of linc_dialogs, and so much more!

With Jeff’s experience work with the HXCPP target, he has posted his knowledge of working with async sockets over on Stack Overflow.

Tecteun tweeted to me that DASH PLAY, which he worked on, has been released to the public. DASH PLAY is a Haxe 3.1 library implementing a DASH client for the JavaScript target. Wikipedia explains what DASH is:

Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH), also known as MPEG-DASH, is an adaptive bitrate streaming technique that enables high quality streaming of media content over the Internet delivered from conventional HTTP web servers.

That’s pretty damn impressive.

Nick has created a Compass abstract type, that can translate between compass direction and degree measure, why not try it out?

Justo Delgado has tweeted that he is looking for freelance work as a Haxe developer, you should contact him.

Thomas Slusny has created raxe, currently, a custom programming language, inspired by Ruby, that transpiles to Haxe. Checkout Thomas’s brief introduction to Raxe

raxe thomas slusny transpiler
Example of Raxe, an alternative syntax for Haxe.

While we are talking about Ruby, Paul Fitzpatrick has released version rb_v3.1.1_9 of his Ruby target, which is the unofficial official? Ruby target for Haxe, which supports Ruby 1.9.3p194 and greater.

Sven Bergström has published over on the snõwkit community site dev log #7, embers, which introduces a brand new, low level and minimal, future focused renderer. It instantly reminded me of Kha’s “generational” API.

Sven also tweeted that Jim Truher has successfully gotten Haxe, HXCPP and luxe engine working on the new Apple tvOS dev kit.

apple tvos luxe engine haxe hxcpp
Haxe & luxe engine running on Apple tvOS developers kit.

Niall Weedon recently updated his library hxdecorate to now support the JavaScript, Python and C++ compiler targets.

Matthijs Kamstra released another weekly update to HaxeNode, a compilation of tutorials and examples on how to use Haxe with NodeJS. This week he has added examples of how to used lowdb and HaxeLow.

Midori Kocak used Haxe and JavaScript to create a TodoMVC example app, available from GitHub, which you can also try out online.

Pete Shand updated his Haxe Delay library by removing OpenFL as a dependency, making it completely framework agnostic.

Lars Doucet has written Where have all the Flash developers gone?, in which Lars highlights the three main areas Flash developers have been migrating too.

Three impressive videos have been released this week onto YouTube:

  1. Haxe and OpenFL Octree ellipsoid collision response by Djoker Soft
  2. Haxe and OpenFL Octree ellipsoid collision response on terrain and mesh by Djoker Soft
  3. Haxe and OpenFL PiratePig demo running on a Raspberry Pi 2 by Patrick Gutlich

Pete Shand released Haxe Starling version 0.3.4 onto HaxeLib which builds on top of OpenFL, allowing you to build for native and HTML5 platform targets. Pete has also created a Bunnymark benchmark, built using the latest speed improvements landing in 0.3.4.

Ventroy Rolle finishes this week off with his release of his brand new game, built with OpenFL and HaxeFlixel, Cubit Jump in which you “tap to avoid death by pit, monster and the oh so common spike.